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Move-Ment 動-向
Solo Exhibition
December 02~26 2021
Pièce, Taipei
“MOVE” can mean to activate, transfer, or touch... It also contains a specific, directional, and regular action. Moving in a certain direction or path with time, and finishing with “MENT” to form as status, behavior, and result.
"Movement" is inseparable from our daily lives, physiological functions, and even ideology. Various kinds of dynamic energy are everywhere. Ruhong Yu continues to explore the themes and subjects that make her touch, while observing the relationship between the virtual and the reality. She explores this through the purest and most infectious media - paint. She expresses this with light versus shadow and the human body, which includes the red of real blood and the blue of optical illusion blood, extensively using white, black, red, and blue in her works.
In this exhibition, "Move-Ment," observe the continuity and sequence of the human body’s actions. Ruhong uses brush strokes and even grabs paint, smearing the materials on barehanded and leaving the marks of the impact between different objects and materials on the canvas. It seems random and unstructured, yet it still keeps a certain flow and continuity, like the proof of inaccessible time and "movement." Each painting is like an afterimage or an incomplete remnant. In an era of variability, we are caught in between modern versus traditional, internet versus reality, and life versus epidemic... We are ensnared between "virtual" and "real," but the most authentic "Movement" is here...
本次展覽「Move-Ment 動-向」,透過觀察人體的連續性與序列動作,以畫筆,甚至徒手抓取顏料、塗抹基底,在畫布留下不同物體和材質接觸的痕跡。看似隨機、毫無章法,卻又保有一定流向與連動性,如同無法觸及的時間與「移動」的證明。每一副畫都像殘影或不完整的殘體,猶如處於變動時代的我們,現代/傳統、網路/現實、疫情/死亡⋯⋯在「虛」與「實」之間,以最真實的「動」親身見證一切。